Sunday, 29 July 2018

Piers concreted

Pier holes were filled with concrete, and the beautifully smooth cut and fill turned into a swamp.
Next step is the 16 screw piles that are going at the back

Also met our site supervisor on site for the first time today

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Site attacked by giant moles!

Holes for concrete piers were bored today

Due to underground clay and the filled in swimming pool the house is being built on a combination of concrete piers and screw piles

Thursday, 19 July 2018

And it starts....

So the builder officially started on site yesterday, and stuff is happening at last. The last few weeks have had a fair deal of backwards and forwards with some contract variations to correct a few inconsistencies, and we have signed off on the final drawings.

We also received our fixed site costs, which much to our surprise were less than the original estimate, despite the fact that the foundations are going to be going onto 3m deep piles (a mixture  of screw piles and concrete piles) 

Builders closed for holidays

Officially the builders are closed for their holidays, but apparently some of the subcontractors will still be working, specifically the out...